Oct 182020
 18/10/2020  Posted by at  Uncategorized No Responses »
L-02 レキオ 火星への挑戦

The beginning is the sale of land on Mars.
The base is destroyed and the messenger flies to the earth.
Requio teleports to the ever-destroying humanoid and moves to the battlefield.
The war situation changes with the newly appearing Martian monster, and the messenger cannot fulfill its mission ...
The invasion of other stars has a sad ending.

2020-02-20 on sale

Size: 713 mb
Time: 00h 46min
Resolution: 720x480

Oct 172020
 17/10/2020  Posted by at  Uncategorized No Responses »
L-01 レキオ 緑な恐怖

The plant monster that appears from the ground begins to destroy the earthly civilization.
Who controls it? The
ivy gets entangled with the confronting Rekio and the white solution attacks!
Is there a chance for Rekio to struggle against an unexpectedly strong enemy?

2020-02-20 on sale

Size: 691 mb
Time: 00h 45min
Resolution: 720x480